
She's Gone Country

Two and a half years ago,
I started falling in love with a man I can't quite define.

Is he a computer geek, and handyman, or an engineer?

A businessman, a visionary, or an entrepreneur?

A farm boy, an artist, or a college man? 

I don't know.

But whatever he is, today I realized one new thing that I have become.
Let me explain. 

If you drive by this town really quickly - and to do that you have to find it on the map first
If you really squint your eyes
If you gaze out your bug-smeared windshield at just the right moment,
    you will see her.

Me. A young woman, who at that moment, will appear to be...

A country wife.

Here is proof.
Here is evidence from just today that this momentous transition has really happened.

- Our house is overflowing with produce we did not buy. This includes four over-sized zucchini. 

- I know the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber

- I sort our laundry into two loads: dirty and really dirty

- There's canning paraphernalia, 24 Bell Jars, and hundreds of peaches on our kitchen table.

- This afternoon, I did not now what day or time it was, and I did not care

- I rode in a grain truck that smelled like mouse pee just so I could spend 20 more minutes with my husband

- I contemplated corn. I'm serious. Just stared at the field thinking about it.

- At the grocery store, I debated getting pork because it's a leaner meat, and I bought Boone's Farm.

- We have Tennessee Pride sausage and buttermilk biscuits in our freezer. I have never eaten one. But still.

- Our insurance agent is family

- Did I mention I bought Boone's Farm

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