
I'm Home!

As a new blog writer, I have been slow to post, approaching this new art form with caution:

I've been taking time, carefully considering how much to say about whom I'm saying it about, what to divulge about what, when to talk about the where, and why do any of it at all? Or if it should just be a Suessical?

Never mind.

So after much deliberation (and unpacking - the truth is I haven't been deliberating these things much at all. I've been busy moving), I've arrived at some preliminary decisions.

1. I want to keep some semblance of anonymity. Mostly because I think it's fun. Therefore, I don't plan on using any real names of people or places and will take great enjoyment in making up pseudonyms. I'm a story writer more than a journal-er, and I love historical fiction. Don't get me wrong, everything that I write is absolutely true and from my life. I don't have anything weirder or more interesting I could make up at this point. I will, however, admit to cleverly using mild embellishment to get my point across or elicit emotion - but I will usually just do that to my husband, and not on this blog :)

That's all.

So I guess I've just come up with one preliminary conclusion. Good enough for me. Here we go.

I just got back to Middleville. That's the first pseudonym. Or should it be Middletown? It depends on whether or not I call the place we just came from Smalltown, or Smallville. I kind of like Smallville, then my hubby could be Superman, as he is from this town. Hey - he needs a pseudonym - and our Paraguayan friend calls him "Super-his real name here" on a regular basis.

But that might be to cheesy, even for me. We'll see. Obviously, I need help. I'm open to suggestion on all fronts.

I'm from Big City, but I haven't lived there since we got married almost 3 years ago:

3 summers in Smallville.
3 winters in Middletown.
Sporadic visits to Big City.

I am here:
(our lovely home. Housemates rent the upstairs, and we have an apartment in the basement.)


and here: 
(best sunsets in the world.)

I was here:
(front porch. summer projects. stray cats)

(seed cleaning.)

and here:
(best sunsets in the world.)

I just left this:

and this:

And now I have to fix this!
(It's not really this bad, this is an old picture)

But, at least these gals are here with us: 
(our lovely housemates, minus one)

I admit being giddy about getting back to these: 
(my spices and oils! I had a *limited supply this summer.)
(also missed the little intricacies of our unique apartment.)

and this: 
(cleaning and prettying up the yard.)

(continuing work on the apartment.)

(watching our home get better and better!)
(just like my photography skills will someday, I hope.)
(my partner in crime in fixing up this lovely home - he's working, not playing, I promise!)


  1. We're so glad you're back! (Not just for the easy access to the laundry, mind you!)

    - One of the Upstairs Gals

  2. I like the anonymity. Unfortunately, I know where you live! I just wish I could visit.
